An experienced fire and explosion investigator, has investigated a wide range of incidents: simple dryer fires to $100 million losses. He has investigated structure, vehicle, and industrial fires and explosions from Miami Beach to the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.
Richard’s engineering & manufacturing background gives him an advantage in fire investigation. While many are still scratching their heads and asking, “What is it?” Richard is already determining how it works, how it’s made, and if it has any bearing on the case.
When your case needs Specialized Expertise we can bring in our associate experts.
These experts are specialists in Chemistry, Fire Department Operations, OSHA, Electrical Engineering, Fire Protection Engineering, Explosives, among other topics.
We use their expertise as needed, keeping your case costs down. These Kennedy-trained experts are assigned to cases to better serve our clients. Contact us for more information & CV’s.
With 1000’s of fire & explosion investigations, during his more than 50-year career, Pat had an unrivaled depth of experience. He skillfully used that experience to build strong, scientific cases for his clients.
Patrick Kennedy wrote the book on Fire & Explosion Investigation – Literally!
His text, Explosion Investigation and Analysis, was the first comprehensive text to specifically address the investigation of fires & explosions from perspective of an Expert Witness.
Patrick Kennedy passed away March 4, 2017.
John Kennedy was the founder of John A. Kennedy and Associates, NAFI and modern fire investigation. His innovations in fire scene technology, fire pattern analysis, fire investigation methodology and fire investigator training, revolutionized the fire and explosion investigation industry.
Many of the theories, procedures and techniques originated and popularized by John Kennedy are now considered the standard procedures of fire and explosion investigation.
Thousands of fire investigators got their “basic training” from courses originated and taught by John Kennedy, at such schools as the Purdue Arson Seminar, the Ohio State Arson Seminar, the programs of the IAAI and NAFI.
John Kennedy passed away January 8, 2016.