A veteran fire and explosion investigator, Richard has investigated hundreds of fires in his career ranging from simple dryer fires to catastrophic losses over $100 million. His expert reports are NFPA 921 compliant and court-friendly: well-constructed, with detailed analysis of the facts and providing conclusions built on sound scientific principles.
A leading authority on fire investigation, Rich has testified in numerous cases, both in deposition and trial, putting forward his responses with confidence and charisma. He has an unwavering passion for seeking and finding answers where other experts fail.
He currently holds a number of national and international professional certifications including: Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator and Certified Fire Investigation Instructor. Richard completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology in 1995.
In 2017, Richard Meier founded Meier Fire Investigation, LLC. Richard J. Meier began his career as a fire investigator with John A. Kennedy and Associates, Inc. in October, 2011.
Prior to his start with John A. Kennedy and Associates, Inc., Rich spent 24 years as a mechanical and manufacturing engineer designing and building a diverse range of products and equipment. During this time, he gained broad and diverse knowledge in plastics, metals, mechanical and electrical systems, hydraulic and fuel systems, marine, automotive and industrial systems.