Pat Kennedy passed away on March 8, 2017. He was the senior-most, active fire analyst, with more years of experience that any other active fire investigation professional. He held three Bachelor of Science degrees including a Summa Cum Laude degree in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology from the University of Cincinnati.
With 1000’s of fire & explosion investigations, during his more than 50-year career, Pat had an unrivaled depth of experience. He skillfully used that experience to build strong, scientific cases for his clients.
He wrote the book on Fire & Explosion Investigation – Literally!
His text, Explosion Investigation and Analysis, was the first comprehensive text to specifically address the investigation of fires & explosions from perspective of an Expert Witness.
Patrick served on several prominent fire investigations related codes and standards committees of both the ASTM and the NFPA. He was a charter principal member of the NFPA Technical Committees on Fire Investigations (921) and principal member the NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications (1033).
He was the proud father of of three daughters, all of whom, work in the fire investigation field.
John A. Kennedy & Associates of Sarasota, Florida has ceased all investigative operations.
Meier Fire Investigation, owned by Pat's daughter Christine & his son-in-law Rich, has made arrangements with Mr. Kennedy's estate to store an archive of many of Pat's case files and has secured the exclusive rights to use the John A. Kennedy & Associates name.
If you ...
Please call us at 941-900-1234 and we will be happy to consult with you.